Thursday, March 26, 2015

Introductory Blog

     I think that it is wise, here in the following paragraph or two to outline what the intended goal of the author is and the target audience as well as give a small introduction of myself. Having said this, it then behooves the writer to inform, you the reader, that if you have an interest in Ancient Egypt that is to say its history, religion, art, language and literature then you have come to the right spot, It is my goal to inform the layman all of that which encompasses pharaonic  Egypt (2600-31 bc). Now, I realise this is an extraordinary amount of history, religion, art, language, and literature. Throughout this blog, I will use pictures which will be properly cited and annotated to avoid plagiarism. Mingled with its history, the author will include literature which will open doors and windows into Egyptian thought and culture therefore reviving the Egyptians which will enable them to tell their own story. For that reason, some of the blogs will include excerpts of pieces of the literature genre such as autobiographies, prayer lists, prayers for offerings and catalogues of virtues.

     I am called Adam Tippett and I currently reside in Florida but having been studying Ancient Egypt for ten years and will soon make the transition to the University of Memphis to go in depth into my study of the rich and enormous history and culture that is Ancient Egypt. I have a B.A. in English Literature which allows me to look at Egyptian literature of the Middle Kingdom in depth and give me an opportunity to perhaps relate it to our modern understanding. I think that it is essential to point out that the Egyptians were allegorical rather than empirical like their Greek counterpart
(Teeter, 2012). So as you read through the history and literature, it will seem rather strange not only to our modern ears but to our classical ears in the sense that we have grown all to familiar with the Greco-Roman school of thought. As you read through each blog then, I ask that you keep the above mentioned statement in mind.

    Finally, I would also like to open the forums so to speak to discussion throughout the blog as well. That means that I would like to receive feedback but I would also like to pose questions that could possibly deepen our study of this wonderful civilisation that has endured through the ages. It is my goal to teach and learn through this blog and sound debate that could greatly enhance our understanding of Ancient Egypt as well. Until next time, Happy Reading!


Teeter, Emily. 2012. Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt.

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